Bharti Hexacom IPO allotment: The share allotment for Bharti Hexacom IPO share allotment will be finalised today (April 8). Those who have applied for the Bharti Hexacom IPO can check the allotment status in the registrar’s portal-Kfin Technologies Ltd. The IPO for the Bharti Airtel subsidiary company opened for subscription on April 3 and closed on April 5. On the third day, Bharti Hexacom IPO subscription status was 29.88 times as there were 2.83 subscriptions for retail component, 48.57 subscriptions for the Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) and 10.52 subscriptions for the non-institutional investors.
The company will begin the refund process for those who have not been allotted the shares on April 10. For the ones allocated the shares, they will be credited to demat accounts on the same day.
Here’s how you can check Bharti Hexacom IPO allotment status on the website of Kfin Technologies Ltd.
The grey market premium is +82 which shows that Bharti Hexacom shares were trading at a premium of ₹82 in the grey market, as per to