Elon Musk admitted to using two secret alternate accounts on his social media platform X (formerly Twitter) in a deposition for a lawsuit against the billionaire. He said that he used some accounts on the social media site outside of his main public account when he was asked to clarify if he used an account on X that had been linked to him by several users on social media. Some users posted a screenshot of his X interface last year in which the additional account appeared to be visible.
What is the account in question?
The account @ermnmusk, under the name “Elon Test” appeared to show Elon Musk role-playing as a child much like his three-year-old son. Last year the account posted, “I will finally turn 3 on May 4th!”, in a post that has since been deleted, as per HuffPost. May 4, 2023, was Elon Musk’s son X AE A-XII’S third birthday.
Another since-deleted post from the account read, “I wish I was old enough to go to nightclubs. They sound so fun.” Although the account has less than 500 followers compared to Elon Musk’s 180 million followers.
What Elon Musk said on the secret account?
When Elon Musk was shown a screenshot of the account during the deposition, he said, “I don’t use that account. I think I briefly had it as a test account.” The X owner said that uses two X accounts: his main one and burner account listed under the name @babysmoke9000. Although there was no listed under latter’s the name.
What happened in the deposition?
Elon Musk was deposed over a lawsuit that alleges he boosted a conspiracy theory that falsely affiliated 22-year-old Ben Brody with a neo-Nazi group. Ben Brody is suing Elon Musk for $1 million in damages, accusing the billionaire of damaging his reputation.
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