Amid concerns over proliferation of bots, X’s CEO Elon Musk announced a series of updates aimed to improve safety and authenticity on his social media platform which was formerly called Twitter. Elon Musk revealed his plans to combat bots and trolls effectively while urging users to report any unintended suspensions of legitimate accounts as he said that the platform aims to identify and penalise those responsible for bots. He even hinted at potential legal consequences for offenders of the measures as the company appointed new executives for overseeing safety and brand protection efforts.
What Elon Musk said on trolls?
Elon Musk said in a post on X, “System purge of bots & trolls underway. Please reply to me or@XEng if legitimate accounts are suspended. X Corp will be tracing the people responsible and bringing the full force of the law to bear upon them.”
The latest bot-fighting efforts will be a “significant, proactive initiative to eliminate accounts that violate [its] Rules against platform manipulation and spam,” X’s safety team announced. The social media platform will be “casting a wide net to ensure X remains secure and free of bots”, it said.
Elon Musk reinstates blue checks for some
Additionally, X began reinstating blue checks to some accounts without having to paying the $8 monthly fee. Users who had their ticks reinstated were told that they received complimentary Premium subscription because they are considered “an influential member of the community”, it was reported.
The Tesla and SpaceX CEO said in a post earlier that accounts with more than 2,500 verified subscriber followers will get their checks back with Premium features for free.