Elon Musk’s social media platform X’s Community Notes feature is now available in India. The feature will help users to fact-check information being circulated on the platform and comes ahead of Lok Sabha elections in the country which will begin on April 19.
Announcing the Community Notes feature, X’s post on the social media platform read, “Welcome new contributors in India. Our first contributors are joining today, and we’ll be expanding over time. As always, we’ll monitor quality to ensure that notes are found helpful by people from different points of view. Community Notes now has contributors in 69 countries around the world, and we’re adding more regularly.”
Elon Musk shared the development on X, writing, “Community Notes now active on India.”
How can you use X’s Community Notes feature?
To sign up for the feature, you need to click on the link provided by Community Notes official handle. After this you will be asked to agree to certain conditions. Following this, you will be a contributing member of the feature.
When was X’s Community Notes introduced?
In December 2022, X introduced the feature allowing users to view Community Notes associated with posts worldwide. This feature was initially limited to users in select countries but was later expanded users in various countries.
With its introduction in India, the program now includes contributors from 69 countries. The X platform earlier also extended Community Notes, previously known as Birdwatch, to include images and videos.
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