Paytm’s Vijay Shekhar Sharma-linked Pai Platforms launched the PaiPai app on Google Play Store by mistake and the company rushed to remove it from there as this was done way ahead of schedule, MoneyControl reported today. This had happened earlier in April, it has been reported.
Those users who had downloaded the PaiPai app have been logged out on a permanent basis.
Parent company One97 Communications had developed the PaiPai app as revealed earlier by the information on Play Store. The app is no longer visible on the Play store anymore. No shares are owned of Pai Platforms by Paytm.
Quoting sources, Money Control said that PaiPai app beta was uploaded and this version was for testing within a specific group of users and not the wider public. It also did not contain many other features that were slated to be added on the app.
It is now being suggested that the launch may well happen, but not in the next one or two months and that the version will be the one that has all the features planned for it.