Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has stock market investments worth ₹4.3 crore and mutual funds deposits worth ₹3.81 crore, as per an affidavit that he submitted to the Election Commission of India (ECI) as he seeks re-election from Wayanad seat in Kerala. Rahul Gandhi filed his nomination for the seat which he had with a margin of over four lakh votes in 2019. Affidavits that are filed along with the nomination papers contain personal details about wealth, property and pending cases against the candidate. Voting in 20 Lok Sabha seats of Kerala, including Wayanad, will be held in the second phase of Lok Sabha elections on April 26.
Rahul Gandhi owns sovereign gold bonds with a market value of ₹15.21 lakh as on March 15, 2024 which are part of his overall assets worth ₹20.4 crore that comprises of ₹9.24 srore movable and ₹11.5 crore immovable assets.
Voting in 20 Lok Sabha seats of Kerala, including Wayanad, will be held in the second phase of 2024 general elections on April 26.