Sebi chief Madhabi Puri Buch said that when she was a student at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad she felt like locked in a pressure cooker. Chairperson of Sebi shared this at the 59th Annual Convocation of the institute on March 30 while recalling how her student life was full of pressure, panic, self-doubt and a race against deadlines. But there were some moments which were like the whistling of the pressure cooker to release some pressure. However, this only helped in creating or fresh pressure to build up, she said.
How did Madhabi Puri Buch cope with the pressure?
The IIM-A life taught the Sebi chief how to cope with such intense pressure, she said, adding, “But in the hindsight, how to deal with being inside a pressure cooker was perhaps one of the most valuable learnings I took away from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.”
Madhabi Puri Buch on age
Sebi chief told students at the convocation that it is an extraordinary time to be both 25 years old and 60 years old as she said that her generation had the privilege of witnessing the dawn of a new India. Telling students about the opportunities that lay ahead for them, she said, “My generation was very fortunate… We participated in the dawn of a new India. Your generation, in my view, is even more fortunate… You are on the way to seeing the high noon of a new India… And, all the amazing opportunities that it offers.”
She added, “Everywhere, there is opportunity… for growth, for inclusion, for entrepreneurship, for breaking the mould… And, for leading the world. It’s a wonderful time to be 25. Interestingly, it is also a wonderful time to be 60!”
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