WhatsApp will reportedly allow users to manage notifications for new messages better. The update was discovered in the WhatsApp beta for Android version available on the Google Play Store, WA Beta Info reported. Using the feature, users will be able to manage their incoming messages more effectively as you will be able to reset notification count each time the app is opened.
This means that users can start fresh with each app launch and there will be no clutter of unread message counts.
WA Beta Info reported that the new feature will allow users to toggle an option to clear unread message counts. Therefore, every time you open WhatsApp, existing unread message notifications will be reset to zero reducing the visual clutter of unread messages.
This feature will be helpful for those who receive a high volume of messages, especially from active group chats as using the feature you can prioritise new messages and manage conversations efficiently.
Earlier WhatsApp started rolling out the Chat Filters option which helps users manage their conversations as the chats are now split into All, Unread and Groups.