The Delhi government has shared a list of “dry days” between April and June, officials aware of the matter said on Sunday. An order issued by the excise department said liquor stores in Delhi will be closed on Id-ul-Fitr (April 11), Ram Navami (April 17), Mahavir Jayanti (April 21), Buddha Purnima (May 23), and Id-ul-Zuha (June 17).
In addition, liquor vends will also be shut from 6pm on May 23 to 6pm of May 25 as all Lok Sabha seats in the Capital will go to polls on May 25. Additionally, liquor stores in the city will also be shut on June 4, when the counting of votes will take place, the officials added.
Separately, the excise department has also ordered that all liquor vends in Delhi which are adjacent to the Uttar Pradesh border will be shut from 6pm on April 24 to 6pm of April 26 as the Lok Sabha constituencies of Ghaziabad, Gautam Budh Nagar, and Baghpat are going to polls on April 26. “(This) will be applicable for all the licencees whose vends/premises are situated within 100 metres of the border with Baghpat, Ghaziabad and Gautam Budh Nagar districts of Uttar Pradesh,” the order, signed by excise commissioner KM Uppu said.