A hackers’ group which calls itself, “KillSec”, has posted two messages on its Telegram channel, claiming that they have breached the Delhi (Traffic) Police website, and can change the status of online traffic challans issued to a select number of individuals as “paid”, officials aware of the matter said.
“Have you found yourself on the receiving end of a traffic violation in Delhi, India?…We have an offer for the 10 individuals who have received fines. We will update your fine status to “paid”. All you need to do is drop us a message, with your information, including the reference number of your traffic violation and we’ll handle everything. This is not an April Fool’s joke,” read the first message purportedly posted by KillSec on its Telegram channel, which has 392 members, on Tuesday, the official said.
In the second message posted on Wednesday, the hackers’ group claimed that they had “breached the Delhi Police” and that they had “managed to export all the data except for the pictures” that, they claimed, they could export.
HT could not independently verify the authenticity of the messages posted on the Telegram’s group with the title KillSec.
HT contacted at least three senior police officers, who asked not to be identified, but confirmed the breach in traffic police website. “Some traffic challan data related to the Paharganj traffic circle was breached,” one of the officers said, refusing to comment further.
The other two officers said the traffic police website is managed and hosted by the central government’s technology partner, National Informatics Centre (NIC).
A senior NIC official, requesting anonymity, told HT that the NIC team that built and developed the traffic application is investigating the inputs about the breach, and added that it was too soon to conclusively say whether or not the site has been breached. “All the logs are being reviewed,” the official said.